Travel Photos

Below is a selection of travel photos ranging from Alaska (NW) to Panama (S) to France (E) and points between. There is no presentation order, other than what Apple Photo and Posthaven do with bulk file transfers.

There are two photos posted separately. One is a selfie, posing with my twin brother. The second photo took 45 minutes to get. Had to gently "encourage" a bird to move 100 yards downstream until it was standing in front of the waterfall while the lighting was right. It is the only photo out of thousands shot where I didn't hate it three days later, because aspects should have been done better, dammit! My sole favorite.

All rights reserved. Personal, non-commercial use allowed.

(Click to tap photo below to enlarge. Click or tap again to close.)

On with the show. I hope you find something you like. Allow time for all photos to download (472 total, eek!). Depending on your connection speed, it may take a few minutes. Scroll through the photos, or click on any photo to enlarge. ~Glenn

Gallery 1

Gallery 2

Gallery 3

Gallery 4

Gallery 5

Gallery 6