A photo of Barb's first meeting with the dude, ten minutes after they first met. Quite obvious why my marriage doesn't stand a chance of surviving. You think?
He was born a few weeks ago at a rural property just north of Los Angeles. During a three day span, he endured leaving his mom and family behind. Rode shotgun in a car for two hours through bumper-to-bumper traffic (normally a 30 minute drive) to a college campus near I-5. Then, in the back seat of a truck, took a five hour drive to the east Bay area. He stayed in a strangers house overnight before enduring yet another five hour drive, this segment from San Fran to Ashland.
He spent a night, the next morning, and part of the afternoon laying low while adjusting to his new surroundings. Something happened, though, around 3 PM on the third day causing him to start exploring his new home. Played with his new toys. The puppy part of him began to reveal itself.
Cooper is observant, cautious, curious, and loves to snuggle. He prances when he walks.
And yeah, I lied about the divorce part. Barb, Cooper and I are happily becoming a threesome. It took many months considering which dog to get. Then, a 1355 mile, four day journey to pick him up. Worth every minute of it. Am looking forward to the next stage.